and Identifying Facts...
this stage of the investigation facts are gathered meaning the forensic
evidence any witness statements that have been taken are taken into
consideration and analysed. By doing this the police may gather a suspect from
linking both the forensic evidence and the witness statements. The smallest
piece of information coming from a witness statement can be vital within the
investigation. Witness statements have to be researched into before taken into
consideration as some cannot be reliable due to lies being spoken to cover up
someones tracks or bias occurring.
and Identifying facts within the murder of Nicole Simpson and Ronald Goldman
evidence within the murder investigation that linked OJ Simpson to the murders
was astounding. However due to the way the evidence was collected it was not
viable within court. Within the process of collecting the evidence, critical
pieces of evidence were photographed without any scales and most being
photographed without any documentation of what it was or where it was found.
This made it virtually impossible for the investigation team to link evidence
to an area within the crime scene. Throughout the poor collection of evidence
performed by the authorities items where collected and placed within the same
container as a number of other different items. By containing several different
pieces of evidence together cross contamination will occur which means that the
result in which the scientists find when analyzing the evidence will not be an
accurate finding. Evidence that was wet was placed into containers without
drying, this will cause vital biological and chemical change to the evidence.
collecting the evidence a common approach path should have been set up by the
police. CAP prevents any contamination to evidence within the scene may it be
located on the floor or elsewhere. However within this case no path was set up
meaning officers and SOCO's could freely walk around the scene contaminating
evidence, this can tell us that most of the evidence was contaminated.
critical point within this investigation that was a downfall for the police was
the fact no evidence viable within court that was on the bodies of the victims
due to the way the bodies were handled by the police. Due to the media turning
up before the SOCO's the police panicked and covered the bodies with a blanket
from within Nicole's house. This blanket contained fibers and DNA from previous
use which contaminated any of the vital evidence that was upon the bodies and
surrounding them.

vile of Simpsons blood was recorded after several hours after it had been
accumulated from Simpson. Blood was then recovered from the scene and the DNA
matched OJ's. Due to the fact the blood only appeared at the scene after a
blood sample was collected from OJ caused speculation on whether the blood had
been planted within the scene. When analyzing the blood within the laboratories
a trace of EDTA was present within it. EDTA is a chemical used only within
specialist laboratories this caused even more questioning as to whether the
blood was planted as OJ could not have had EDTA in his blood for any other
of the key implications within this double murder case was the lack of
knowledge surrounding Forensic Science. This knowledge is critical when
analyzing the evidence and the team was particularly lacking in the
understanding of DNA. Due to the lack of knowledge and understanding
surrounding the DNA evidence expert witnesses were unable to give
comprehensible statements meaning that the jury could not understand what they
had fund within their findings. The judge (Lance Ito) ruled the DNA evidence
out due to this complication.
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