within the OJ Simpson case…
officers within the murders of Nicole Simpson and Ronald Goldman did not
preserve most evidence correctly. The
first mistake of the SOCO’s was arriving at the crime scene and not placing a
common approach pathway out as Riske did not do so himself, by not doing this
they risked contaminating or destroying evidence. However the biggest mistake
the Scenes of crime officers made was placing a used blanket from inside Nicole’s
condo over both bodies. By doing this any evidence upon both bodies could not
be collected and the blanket would have contaminated the bodies with fibres and
hairs from previous use. When evidence was collected the evidence was not
placed into the appropriate bags, and several pieces of evidence were placed
together within one bag. This meant that contamination occurred to the evidence
and they could not be sufficiently analysed. SOCO’s within other cases…
Upon the request of senior officers only will SOCO’s will attend a crime scene, not every crime will it be necessary for SOCO’s to attend. SOCO’s will mainly attend major cases for example a fraud investigation will not need scenes of crime officers where as a murder will. SOCO’s role does not change their priority is to gather evidence correctly whilst minimising potential contamination. However depending upon the investigation SOCO’s will collect different evidence, for example during a sexual assault SOCO’s will mainly examine the body of the victim for bodily fluids of the offender whereas during a murder they are looking for not only bodily fluids but any physical evidence such as the murder weapon.
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