Report writing and presentation of Evidence within court

Report writing and presentation of Evidence within court...

This is the last stage within any investigation is to write a report and plan how the presentation of any evidence and findings will occur within court. The presentation and report will consist of a number of things, and will have to be put into professional conduct and terminology. They both will consist of any previous convictions the suspect has previously had, this may go against them within court and may lead to the prosecution winning and the jury finding the suspect guilty. There will be a basic summary of the whole investigation this will be written by the leading officer. Any witness statements should be included and these witnesses may be asked to give their statement within court.

An Itemized list of each piece of evidence should be within the report and presentation this gives the jury the exact information so they can make a clear judgement. alongside this should be a clear analysis of the evidence collected from the crime scene. The whole case will then be presented by CPS using all the information from this file.

Report writing and presentation of Evidence within court within the murders of Nicole Simpson and Ronald Goldman…

The main leading suspect within the investigation was OJ Simpson. OJ was taken to trial due to the fact there was a very high amount of evidence linking him to the crime, his alibi was not solid and he had motive to murder the pair. There was witness statements presented within court placing OJ at the crime scene around the time that the incident took place. However within the process of having an itemized list of evidence collected from the crime scene there was a small issue for the prosecutors. Due to the fact that the SOCO's who collected the evidence not placing the evidence within the correct containers causing cross contamination, not logging certain pieces of evidence and handling the evidence in an unorganized, unprofessional manner the evidence list was rarely used within court. This was mainly the reason OJ was acquitted from the case and charges were dropped.

The analysis of the evidence was worded in a very advanced terminology, this meant that the jury did not understand what the findings where. This was down to the scientists analyzing the evidence not having the correct knowledge surrounding forensic science mainly surrounding DNA. Therefore most of the evidence was not used in trial due to the jury unable to understand the meaning of the findings and unable to come up with a verdict.

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