Identifying Patterns and Links

Identifying patterns and links...

Within this part of the investigation Police officers will contact other police agencies and come up with an assessment of whether this crime links with any other that have occurred in that recent time. They will asses what crimes have been committed and any patters that link with recent crimes, for example within a murder if a victim has been killed in a certain way e.g. blood forced trauma to the head by a hammer they will see if this type of murder has occurred within that recent period. Other key aspects within the investigation is whether things have been left for example a signature action (Graffiti) when some thefts/murders occur gang members may leave a sign upon the wall to state that they have been there and they own this crime.

Identifying Patterns and Links within the murder of Nicole Simpson and Ronald Goldman

Within the time of the murders there was no crime pattern associated with this incident therefore this stage was not applicable within this investigation.

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